shieldChurch of the Transfiguration

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About our Worship

In a recent survey of members of the Church of the Transfiguration, worship far surpassed all other activities as most important in our congregation. We value a worship experience that draws people closer to God through participation in the beauty of language, music, and ritual.

The traditional liturgy of our church is both dignified and personal, and opens participants to the more mystical nature of spiritual relationship. Services include our regular Sunday morning communion celebrations, as well as special observances such as weddings, baptisms, blessing of the animals, and seasonal celebrations.

Please contact us if you are interested in the sacraments of baptism, holy matrimony, or the burial of the dead.


AcolytesOur acolytes at The Church of the Transfiguration are one way that parishioners can be involved with church services. They are an important part of the worship service.

Usually, there is a crucifer, two torch bearers and two servers. Traditionally, the crucifer leads the procession with the cross, the torch bearers light the way for the procession and Gospel, and the servers help the priest with the offertory and the Holy Eucharist. It is an honor and service to God and our church community to be an acolyte and we are thankful for all who participate.

The acolytes are of all ages and currently range between 5 years to …well, adults. They are grouped into four teams.. The team leaders are responsible for training or review, duty and promptness reminders, making position assignments and helping with the vestments.

New members are always heartily welcomed and can be trained and assigned to what ever week is best for them. Families are often assigned on the same Sunday to hopefully prevent conflicts with other activities or vacations. Anyone interested in becoming an acolyte can call the church office for more information.

Sunday Morning Servers

LectorAt Transfiguration, we have a large number of adults and children who participate in leading our worship. Worship servers include lectors (readers), chalice servers, ushers, and acolytes. Lectors read the lessons from the Bible during our worship services. Chalice servers, or ministers, serve the communion wine. Ushers help out with the practical logistics such as helping parishioners to their seats, passing out bulletins, directing children to the nursery or Sunday School, and taking up the weekly collection

Lay Eucharistic Vistors

AltarFor those who are unable to attend regualar services, the sacrament of Holy Communion is always available. Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) are parishioners who are specially trained to take Holy Communion to people who are hospitalized or shut in. We have a team of people who are available for short term or long term visiting. Long term visits are scheduled for once per month on Sunday afternoons. Short term visiting is scheduled as needed. Bread and wine are consecrated at Sunday services, and LEVs are sent out from the worhsipping community to extend table fellowship beyond the four walls of the church building. Any pastoral needs and prayer requests of the recipients are brought back to the community. This is an important way that our parish community stays in touch. When sacraments are needed on an emergency basis, the clergy should be contacted.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is made up of loyal parishioners who prepare the altar for the two Sunday services and also, clean up afterwards. There are three persons assigned to each Sunday and we substitute for each other as necessary. The busy times for the Altar Guild are Christmas and Easter Week. This church ministry enables a person to deepen one's knowledge of the church seasons and to indirectly participate in the church service. The entire Altar Guild usually meets for an informal lunch once or twice a year and would welcome anyone else that might have an interest in serving on this ministry.

St. Nicholas Guild

Parishioners who love to bake provide us with our weekly communion bread. Formally known as the St. Nicholas Guild, they commit to bake for six month intervals. The recipe used is one that has been in our parish for many years, which gives a tremendous feeling of continuity to this ministry. Currently, the baking rotation is every 6 weeks. Anyone interested in joining the bakers may contact the church office for more information.

Flower Guild

Flower Guild members arrange the flowers for the altar each Sunday. The Guild is made up of parishioners who love flowers and want to share that love with God and the parish family. No experience in flower arranging is necessary. Beginners are paired with the more experienced. We have a lot of fun and are always looking for new faces and ideas.