shieldChurch of the Transfiguration

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WelcomeIncorporation is the ministry, shared by the clergy and laity of our congregation, of welcoming newcomers into our Transfiguration parish family. All of us at Transfiguration value the gift of hospitality and strive to be a welcoming congregation. Building personal relationships within the congregation is important to our community. We also feel that it is very important to have all of our members involved in the ministry of the church, which means that we ask our new members to discern how God calls them to service in the church, the community, and the world.

Newcomer's Class

Our Newcomer's Class is offered occasionally.  It meets once a week, generally on Sundays after the 10:15am service. Topics cover the basics of being an Episcopalian, and include liturgy and worship, sacraments, prayer, Book of Common Prayer, spirituality, Anglican Church history, Anglican polity, and the history of Transfiguration in Evergreen. Members are asked to spend some time in prayer and reflection, and discern how God might be calling them to Christian service.

Rector's Reception and Home Visit

The Rector welcomes new members at a reception which is held on an as needed basis. A blend of established members and new members are included in the event so that members can get acquainted. At the reception, those attending are asked to share a bit of their life history with the rest of the group.

New members are also asked if they would like a home visit from the Rector. The Rector will visit with new members on an informal basis in their homes so that new members can ask questions or seek assistance at a more personal level. Please inform the Rector of any special or pastoral needs.